Contains:  Other
Wall & Pelican, Terry Hancock

Wall & Pelican

Wall & Pelican, Terry Hancock

Wall & Pelican


Wall & Pelican

Viewed here in Hubble Palette/SHO with SII assigned to Red, H-Alpha assigned to Green and OIII assigned to Blue

The Cygnus Wall which is representative of Mexico and Central America and the nearby Pelican Nebula (IC5070) which is not usually referred to as within The North America Nebula however it is part of the same cloud of ionized Hydrogen.

This is a crop of my image "The Cosmic Continent"

Image details

Location: DownUnderObservatory, Fremont, MI

Total Integration time 9 Hours

Filters by Chroma 7nm

H-Alpha 180 min, 18 x 10 min bin 1x1

OIII 180 min, 18 x 10 min bin 1x1

SII 180 min, 18 x 10 min bin 1x1

QHY11 monochrome CCD cooled to -20C

Optec Gemini Focusing Rotator

Takahashi E-180 F2.8 Astrograph

Rainbow Astro RST-400 EQ Mount

Image Acquisition Maxim DL

Pre Processing Pixinsight

Post Processing Photoshop CS6



Wall & Pelican, Terry Hancock